Sunday, October 27, 2013


Well... Act III is an explosion of emotions and plot!  Hamlet's play works perfectly.  He can totally see that Claudius's reaction is one of "outrage" but Hamlet can also tell that Claudius knows that Hamlet sees through him.  Gertrude really understand's Hamlet's thinking when she calls him in after the play.  She is kind of shocked at his accusations but I think she takes his side and believes him.  She wasn't expecting that Claudius was a murderer and she definitely was taken back when Hamlet called her out on her marrying her husband's brother.  In that scene, Hamlet also kills Polonius and calls him a rat.  He doesn't show remorse for his actions because in his eyes, Polonius was just as bad as Claudius.  He wished he would have killed Claudius though.  In the scene before, Hamlet doesn't kill Claudius because he his praying and he doesn't want to send the murderer to heaven.  Claudius seems like he doesn't feel bad for what he did but rather wishes it would all be forgotten.  He shows no remorse for the loss of his brother.  The first scene in the play shows that Hamlet is a total control freak when it comes to his plans for the play because he emphasizes how it needs to be done perfectly.
Sorry for the out of order scenes... Its stream-of-conscious.

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