Sunday, October 27, 2013


No matter what we read, we always try to look for something to relate to in a character.  Fiction shows a personal journey that we can apply morals we have learned or situations we have possibly been in.  Now granted, I haven't ever been in a vampire or werewolf love triangle but I can understand the feelings Bella has in Twilight when she wants to protect her family above all because that is how I live. I could understand her choices and make a personal connection with her.
I haven't ever been to a Hunger Games but I understand how Katniss feels when she protects her little sister.  Even if my little brother is now physically bigger than me, I would try to protect him in whatever way I can because I love him dearly and I couldn't ask for a better brother.
Even if we aren't on the same journey as a character in a fictional story, as we read, we become attached to them so we try to relate to possible elements in their journey.
In nonfiction, facts are facts.  It is hard to put emotion into nonfiction unless it is an autobiography in which case you can show your emotional state at a given time in your life.  A lot of the time, nonfictional books are dry and factual.

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