Thursday, March 20, 2014


Well my comment on the blog basically sums up this post... but I'll add to it I guess...

Without any background knowledge about Huxley, I thought his book was good but I didn't really think much into it.  I thought that it was one of those novels where the book says "the sky is blue."  and your teacher says that 'it symbolizes the character's deep inner emotions towards his mother'... Like we all have had those experiences in English where we think... maybe that was read into a little too much... But after watching the interview, I actually understand that Huxley meant for us to read into his work.  Everything has so much symbolism to today's world and warns us against the path we are on.  The thing that puzzles me most is, why we haven't taken his warning to heart? 

Before I watched this interview, I will admit that I was not a giant fan of Brave New World. I thought that it was a stretch to say that we would ever such a lifeless society the world state holds but after watching this interview... I think Huxley is a genius and I totally value this book much more now...

We live comfortably in the US. Even if we hit hard times, we live so much better than anyone off the reservation or country for this matter. Huxley points out that the 3rd world countries live with dramatically less resources and comfort than we do and with world population increasing, we will run out of resources and comfort sooner than later. This lack of distribution of wealth is a major issue which the government looks to take on. But Huxley argues that more government will lead us to a Brave New World. This isn't so far fetched. If we take a look at our own government right now, we are running into problems because we have so many regulations and laws that rule our country. We work in protocol, we don't work use our common sense or compassion anymore. Look at the education system, we are set to pass standardized tests rather than actually learn something. Even now there are harsher punishments for teens making mistakes. If someone were to get pulled over after a night of partying, their life would be ruined with a DUI and a record, possible time and parol but a generation before, police had a sense of compassion. Rules are getting stricter, punishments are getting harsher, and people are losing their sense of compassion. We aren't as bad as Brave New World obviously but I can see the similarities starting to unfold as Huxley predicted.

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