Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections on Week 1

1.  The only thing that will interfere with my classwork is my schedule.  Now granted, I don't have so much as a busy schedule as other people I'm sure but the busiest time of my week is on my weekend because its always packed with something to do since I focus on school and recreational soccer during the week.
2.  My greatest learning experience was being in Mrs. Jennings art classes throughout the years.  She took me under her wing freshman year and I grew so much as an artist because of that.  I knew she had influenced me when I started contemplating on becoming a teacher.  I truly realized how much I had loved her as a teacher and as a person when she announced that she was leaving Righetti for my senior year and I just started bawling my eyes out.  She has made a serious impact on my life and I will always be grateful for it.
3.  My greatest concern for this class is that I am not going to be able to adapt to the fast paced essay writing and having to read digitally.  I have a personal preference for reading books rather than the online version.  I am excited for the sense of community and for the people around me.  I'm not quite sure everything we are going to cover but I am excited to learn how things will connect to each other once we start really learning.

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