Monday, August 12, 2013

My Big Questions

Well, I really have spent all summer trying to figure out my big question and I guess I have a lot more to ask than one..... So here it goes....

So many people are critical on people they have never met before. All their previous knowledge of a person comes from others and not a first hand account, whether it be a rumor or not. So, how would the world be if we didn't form judgements of people prior to meeting them?

In advertisements, most commercials or ads feature young, skinny beautiful people when the average American isn't a model... Why do advertisements create this false sense of reality and do they see how it damages our youth's self-esteem and self-worth?

What if we had a media that reported complete facts with no agenda or bias which let us form our own opinions on events, how different would our world be?

Why do people feel like everything in life is a competition? Life isn't a race to the finish line, why must we act like it is?

What makes you who you are? What defines your life? What defines your "living"?

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