Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocabulary 9

Aficionado: n. devotee
An art aficionado, Jennings loved Judy Pfaff out of all the sculptors she had studied.

Browbeat: v. intimidate by overbearing looks or words
The senior browbeat the freshmen into picking up the cones after practice.

Commensurate: adj. same measure or equal extent of duration, proportionate
Hailey’s bag of Halloween candy was not as commensurate to Lily’s.

Diaphanous: adj. very sheer and light, delicately hazy
The dress was very diaphanous when it was in the sunlight.

Emolument: n. profit, salary, or fees from office or employment, earnings, stipend, pay
Her boss gave Annie her emolument for the month.

Foray: n. a quick raid, a quick sudden attack, an initial venture
The Danes made a foray against Poland.

Genre: n. class or category
Hamlet falls into the genre of tragedy.

Homily: n. a sermon (Biblical topic and of an non-doctrinal nature), a moralizing discourse, inspirational saying or cliché
The homily the speaker told inspired the gym full of students.

Immure: v. to enclose within walls, to shut in, to imprison
The prison guards immured the convict into his cell.

Insouciant: adj. free from concern, carefree, nonchalant
The woman was insouciant throughout her life.

Matrix: n. something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, develops, or forms
Our class will be the matrix for the next open source learning classes to come.

Obsequies: n. a funeral rite or ceremony
The obsequies that were in her will were very religious.

Panache: n. a grand manner, a flamboyant style
The man’s outfit was panache.

Persona: n. a person, the mask or façade presented to satisfy the demands of the situation or the environment and not representing the inner personality or the individual, a person’s perceived personality
Her persona represented a mean girl even if she was actually nice.

Philippic: n. any of the orations delivered by Demosthenes, the Athenian orator, speech or discourse of bitter denunciation
The man had a philippic with his wife.

Prurient: adj. having or characterized by lustful thoughts or desires
The man’s prurient dreams about another woman caused him to leave his wife.

Sacrosanct: adj. extremely sacred or inviolable, not to be entered or trespassed upon
The classroom was sacrosanct during lunchtime.

Systemic: adj. of or pertaining to a system
The systemic environment let wildlife grow.

Tendentious: adj. having or showing a definite tendency, bias, or purpose
The tendentious article was propaganda for the candidate.

Vicissitude: n. a change or variation occurring in the course of something, interchange as of states or things
The vicissitude of the man’s cooking throughout his life changed as he went to becoming a vegan.

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